NEWS  AND     








Sir Isaac NEWTON PARTS 2&3 



 BREAKING BIBLE NEWS for 2017-2020
      BY    J.  K.   EVENSEN   - author  journalist

                   SIR  ISAAC    NEWTON








               PART 1

     Isaac  Newtons life, accomplishments, and his prophetical analysis.

               PART  2

His  predicted  NEW WORLD  ORDER and the end of days with it's present and future dynamics.

                 PART  3

The storms of apocalyse preceding the new world order.

                      PART 1

      " About the time of the end , a body of men will be raised up , who will turn their attention to the prophecies and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."

                SIR   ISAAC   NEWTON

    I shall endeavor to demonstrate in the literary work ahead the absolutely astonishing predictions of Sir Isaac Newton, who, with the aid of his scientific, mathematical, and astronomical discoveries was able to decipher  the phrophetic timelines with uncanny accuracy.

     I personally maintain that these biblical discoveries are the greatest accomphishments of his life work.

     As we shall see , his mathematical mind and formulas were able  to accurately predict the birth of the jewish messiah, the crucifition of Christ and the regathering of Israel in the 20th. century, and many other events that can be certified through historical and empirical evidence.

     While he had divergent and non-conforming theologcal views  with  the state and catholic  higher-arcy  escatology has now declared him absolutely correct.

         His intense fascination and interest in escatology and bible prophecy were an ongoing lifetime persuit.

        None of his thoughts  on these subjects were published because of internal and external reasons which we will deliniate as we explore the deliberations of this God gifted man.

     Let us now proceed to explore  this brilliant man cognizant of his famous statement , which is a hallmark quotation of Sir Isaac.

     If I  have been able to see further into the future, It is because I have been standing on the shoulders of giants.

     Sir Isaac Newton was one , if not the greatest

scientist and mathematician of all times.

     He abhored  " END OF THE WORLD DATE SETTERS ," who he felt were discrediting the sacred texts and prophecies by their inaccuracies concerning the end of days and the return of Messiah.

     Newtons mathematical projections had these events manifesting in the   2000 to 2060 a.d. period.

     Here is the actual quote of Newton concerning his mathematical and prophetic timelines that streched hundreds of years into the future.

     "This I mention , not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men, who are freqently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so, bring the sacred prophecies into discredit as often as their predictions fail. "

      However, now, history has caught up with his prophetic timelines and irony of ironies, he may be one of the most potent voices ,through his mathematical timelines, in the inquiry of the coming new world order, and the ending of days, or the changing of this dispesational age.

       Some of his conclutions are absolutely astounding.

     Yet, regarded as a strict  rationalist by the outside world, a new  and different Newton emerges from the pages of history. 

                          AN    AMAZING    NEW    DISCOVERY

      Newton's private deliberations, notes and writings have recently been discovered , showing a much different Newton then what was most commonly understood at that time.

     In them, we discover that he was  a deeply devoted christian believer and that he had a great love of scripture. He spent much more of his lifetime interpreding   scripure, then all his amazing and revolutionary discoveries and inventions.

     Some regard Newton  as the first renaissance man. As we noted,he had and has been seen as a strict rationalist, however, Newton believed that all his discoveries and inventions were an unfolding of treasures that were demonstrating the existance of a Supreme Being and a loving father.

      A quote of Newton was   " God is known by His works ".

      He lived in an age when some scientists postulated a necessity to purge a supreme  being from any inquiry into scientific phenomena.

     And the brilliant one responded in the following manner,

      " Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. this did not happen  by chance."

     Then we have this amazing declaration!!

    " I have a fundamental belief in the bible as the Word of God, witten by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily."

     Before we expand on the presentation of Newton's escatalogical timelines i.e., his considered determinants concerning the coming new world order, let us peruse and look at some of the marvelous contributions of

            SIR   ISAAC    NEWTON


   Newton theorized that all particles exert a gravitational force and therefore gravity, affected by distance and mass universally commands everything extending to the planetary orbits.

     This discovery started with his querry of that famous apple falling from that famous tree.


      Newton proposed the use of reflecting mirrors, rather than refracting lenses. grinding the mirrors himself, he presented the prototype to the Royal British Society in  1670.

        To this day nearly all astronomical observatories use a variant of Newtons original design.


       He developed this mathematical system, whereby  the interworking of the cosmos can be determined.

     Finding the geometic and algebraic systems of his day insuffient for his scientific endevours, he advanced and formulated  a system for HIS  scientific needs.

     He called it  the science of fluxions.

     Even today, his formulas are calculated in, and are a critical tool for rocket  scientists to navigate rockets to the moon and other planetary adventures.

     He publish   PRINCIPIA   MATHEMATICA ,one of the most important and influential works on physics of all time.

     He also proposed  the theory of tides and of lunar motion.


 NEWTON'S  THREE LAWS enable modern scientists to calculate the movement of planetary objects, even down to subatomic particles.

                            THE   THREE LAWS  ARE             

     1.   An object will remain at rest or moving in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

     2.    Force  =  mass  <>  acceleration

 when force is applied to an object, it will accelerate proportional to the force.

   3.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


     He developed what became the Groundwork and underlying principal of everything that is used in planetary space exploration. This law extends to the safety of nuclear reactors.


   Newton demonstrated that by running a white light through a prism, it would separate in to a rainbow of colors. He then, also showed  that by reflecting the scatered beams into another prism, they return to white light.

    Thus he proved  that the colors of refraction were not a part of the objects, but were characteristics of the light it- self.

       Many more were the accomplishments, inventions, theories and observations of this man of considerable intellect. Yet, his observations on chronology and biblical  escatalogy are probably the most exciting of his stellar career.

                           PART 2

       continued  next  week  please check back

                      Thank   You